Sunday, August 15, 2010

Do I need a firewall software?

I Have ECI B-Focus Wireless 352+ which is an ADSL + Modem Router Firewall. As i see today everyone is concentrated on internet security and has a firewall software even when they have router with firewall and I'm curious should I get a firewall software when I have a router firewall and Microsoft Windows Xp Pro built in firewall.

And what do you think about Vista is it worth to buy, and also give me advice on antivirus and antispyware.

Im usin kaspersky and AVG antispayware with windows defender.

Thank You

Do I need a firewall software?computer security

No you don't need a software firewall if you have a hardware one.

No, Vista isn't worth the buy. Wait until Service Pack 1. By then you will have had the opportunity to try it to see if it's for you, and they will have fixed the first round of bugs and quirks.

AVG is good. Windows defender is in beta and doesn't perform well so don't use it until it's out of beta. And you don't need two background virus guard programs. You should only have of those enabled, and the other can be used as another on-demand scanning program in case the other program misses anything.

Edit: AdAware is a good free spyware scanner.

Do I need a firewall software?free spyware remobal

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